
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Comenius day in France

Last friday there was comenius day. During 2 days, children prepared cakes of different countries. For Estonia it was a delicious cake "Kringel saatmiseks", for Germany it was "cake day and night" (we have almost the same) for Hungary it was muffin with cheese and for France it was a traditionnal recipe "Madeleine". All children were very happy to cook and to learn a new recipe from an another country. They also prepared flags to decorate the tables.
And after the school the families are invited to eat these different cakes. And also see or see again all activities during the first year of the project on the panels. It was a good time.

Vendredi dernier, le 20 juin, ce fut la journée comenius. pendant 2 jours, les élèves ont préparé des gâteaux des différents pays. Pour l'Estonie, ils ont préparé le "Kringel Saatmiseks", pour l'Allemagne "le cake du jour et de la nuit" (très ressemblant à notre gâteau marbré", pour la Hongrie, c'était des muffins au fromage frais et pour la France les traditionnelles madeleines. Tous les enfants furent contents de cuisiner et de découvrir de nouvelles recettes. Ils ont aussi préparé des drapeaux pour décorer les tables.
Après l'école, les familles étaient invitées à venir déguster les gâteaux. Et ainsi voir ou revoir toutes les activités réalisées durant la 1ère année du projet. Ce fut un bon moment.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Estonia from 14 to 18th May

From 14 to 18 May the comenius team was in Estonia. We have a warming welcome by the estonian team. The estonian pupils showed us beautiful dances and songs with traditional costumes. During this stay we discover the estonian school system in kindergarden but also in a secondary school in Keila. We also visited the cities: Keila and the capital Tallinn. The stay ended with a traditionnal estonian dinner and the visit of open air museum. It was estonian houses of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Thank you so much for the organisation and the welcoming, that was very nice.

Du 14 au 18 mai, l'équipe de Comenius s'est retrouvée en Estonie. Nous avons reçu un accueil très chaleureux de la part de l'équipe estonienne. Les élèves nous ont montré de jolis danses et chants en costumes traditionnels. Durant le séjour, nous avons découvert le système scolaire estonien en visitant le jardin d'enfants de Keila mais aussi l'école secondaire. Nous avons également visité les villes de Keila et Tallinn, la capitale. Le séjour s'est terminé par un repas traditionnel estonien et une visite au musée en plein air qui regroupe des maison estoniennes du 18ème et 19ème siècles.
Encore un grand merci à l'équipe estonienne pour son organisation et son accueil. Tout le monde était ravi.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sparrowhouse Neukalen on visit in Estonia

As we promised in October we will now continue the report about our Comenius project „European values – our values“.
From 16 to 18 May 2014 three teachers of the Sparrowhouse Neukalen went to Tallinn and the nearby town Keila for the this year's project meeting.
We got a hearty welcome by the children and teachers of the Rainbow kindergarden in Keila. The children had prepared a great program with Estonian songs and dances telling about their country, their traditions and their life. In that kindergarden learn 257 children and for us it was really interesting to exchange experiences and to compare working and living conditions.
Our partners had prepared an exiting program for our stay. So we visited a very modern public school, had a meeting with the mayor of Keila who described impressingly what the town does for education, visited an open air museum, took part in a handycraft workshop, and had a great evening in the National Opera with the ballett Snowwhite and the seven dwarves. We experienced Tallinn as an old traditional but nevertheless young, dynamic and prospering city.
The main aim for the meeting was to evaluate the sofar results and plan the next steps. As we already reported  pairs of dolls in national clothes from France, Hungary, Estonia and Germany are going to each other project partner's kindergarden. Up to now they have already a lot to tell. The children, together with teir teachers, spoke, read and discussed about the values trust, friendship, kindness, freedom and courage. Together they started to produce a book about each value, made a memory game and a common dictionary. All groups were very glad getting X-mas and Easter cards from the partner kindergardens/ schools.
Our puppets Paul and Lena are now in Hungary and we brought Juula and Juku from Estonia to Neukalen. Together with them we will work on the value trust.
The next project meeting will take place in Neukalen in September 2014. We are looking forward to meeting our friends from Hungary, Estonia and France at the Sparrowhouse in Neukalen.

See some impressions from our trip to estonia ...
beautiful Tallinn

our hearty welcome at rainbow-kindergarden

 a german book :-)
Lena & Paul - german dolls as guests in Keila

our english-teacher Mrs. Muff and children from kindergarden in Keila

soap bubbles - beloved kids games

comparing fairy tales from estonia and germany

intercultural exchange after hospiation in Keila-kindergrden

meeting with the mayor of Keila

Estonian dolls JUULA and JUKU arrived in Neukalen, Germany :-) Welcome!

 Estonian dolls JUULA and JUKU arrived in Neukalen, Germany :-) Welcome!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Comenius Day on the 2nd of June 2014 in Keila Vikerkaare Kindergarten

In Keila Vikerkaare Kindergarten the Child Protection Day was celebrated on the 2nd of June within a Comenius project "European values ... our values" with an event that was called Comenius Day.
 Whereas in the multilateral project participates 4 countries, the kindergarten’s yard was divided into four areas, where under the different flags the organized activities for children took place. 

In addition to repeating of knowledge about every country’s symbols, that children were familiar with earlier, there were introduced fairy tales and song games and ring games of France, Germany and Hungary. 



 Of course everybody had a lot of fun with Estonian song games too.

 It was a fine and amusing morning that was completed with a surprise. 
A bigfoot boy named Jeti visited children, who kindly gave everybody “an ice cream help”.

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Keila Lasteaias Vikerkaar tähistati täna lastekaitse päeva Comeniuse projekti "European values...our values" üritusega, mis sai nimeks Comeniuse Päev.
Kuna koostööprojektis osaleb kokku neli riiki, oli ka õueala jagatud neljaks osaks, kus erinevate partnerriikide lipu all toimusid lastele organiseeritud tegevused. Lisaks iga maa sümboolika kordamisele, millega lapsed juba varem hästi tuttavad olid, tutvustati seekord Saksamaa, Ungari ja Prantsusmaa muinasjutte ja laste laulu- ning ringmänge. Loomulikult lustiti ka eesti laulumängude saatel! 
Oli tore ja lõbus hommikupoolik, mille lõpetas üllatus! Lastele tuli külla lumeinimesepoiss Jeti, kes lahkelt kõigile ka jätsiabi andis!

Keila Vikerkaare Kindergarten was visited by guest from France, Germany and Hungary.

Keila Vikerkaare Kindergarten hosted guests from partner countries of the Comenius  multilateral educational project “European values ... our values“ 
on the 14th May till the 18th of May 2014 in Keila and in Tallinn.
On Thursday the 15th of May partners visited Keila Vikerkaare Kindergarten. 
 After the welcoming speech of the kindergarten’s director Pärje Ülavere 
children gave a concert of national repertory. 
Then the guests were introduced to the kindergarten’s daily acticities 
and the staff,  also the opportunities of the extra rooms and the yard. 
 After the lunch the project meeting was held in kindergarten’s hall, 
there was done the summary of the previous period and discussed the action 
plans for the future. 
 The partners exchanged the dolls of the project.
 On Friday the 16th of May the guests visited Keila’s School. 
 The director of the school Liivi Siim introduced the school house 
 and the educational work there.

 Then the delegation visited Keila’s town administration, 
there was shown the short film introducing the town. 
Keila’s mayor Enno Fels, deputy mayors Eike Käsi and Timo Suslov 
and education advisor Terje Rämmel told the guests about the town 
and its educational life.

 On Saturday our guests had a walk in Tallinn’s Old Town, 
 after that they had a workshop about making a prooch in felting techniques 
 directed by an artist Lembe Maria Sihvre. 

Rocca al Mare’s Open Air Museum was visited in the evening.
Project partners’ next meeting will take place 
in the end of September in Germany.

Keila Vikerkaare lasteaias käisid külalised Ungarist,  Prantsusmaalt ja Saksamaalt.

Keila Lasteaed Vikerkaar võõrustas Comeniuse koolide koostööprojektis „European values...our values“ koos Eestiga osalevate partnerriikide (Prantsusmaa, Saksamaa, Ungari) külalisi 14-18.05.2014.a. Keilas ja Tallinnas. 
Neljapäeval 15.mail toimus külaskäik Keila Vikerkaare lasteaeda. Direktor Pärje Ülavere tervituskõne järel esinesid lapsed saalis rahvusliku kontsertkavaga. Seejärel tutvusid külalised Vikerkaare lasteaia rühmade igapäevatöö, personali ja lisaruumide ning õuealaga. Lõunapausi järel toimus lasteaia saalis projekti koosolek, kus tehti kokkuvõte möödunud perioodist ja arutleti edasisi tegevusplaane. Toimus projekti nukkude vahetus.
Reedel 16.mail saabusid külalised taas Keilasse, kus hommikul külastati Keila Kooli. Direktor Liivi Siim tutvustas koolimaja ja sealset töökorraldust. Seejärel käis delegatsioon Keila Linnavalitsuses, kus sissejuhatuseks vaadati linna tutvustavat lühifilmi. Keila linnast ja hariduselust andsid ülevaate linnapea Enno Fels, abilinnapead Eike Käsi ja Timo Suslov ning haridusnõunik Terje Rämmel. 
Laupäeval toimus Tallinna vanalinnas jalutuskäigu järel kunstnik Lembe Maria Sihvre  juhendamisel viltimistehnikas prossi meisterdamine. 
Õhtul külastati Rocca al Mare vabaõhumuuseumi.

Projektis osalejate järgmine kohtumine toimub septembri lõpus Saksamaal.