
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

German dolls Paul and Lena had arrived to Estonia!

 On the 31st of January 2014 arrived to us by post Lena and Paul. In every group the postal parcel was opened again and was told to the children that the parcel was sent to us from France. Then children remembered that French dolls Enora and Youenn stayed with us and they recalled expressions of courtesy in French. Children were introduced how looks like a postal parcel. Children got to know, what is needed to write on the parcel and put a stamp on an envelope in order to the parcel to arrive the right place.

Lena and Paul brought a value with them – FREEDOM. This week they start their tour in our kindergarten’s groups. They stay in every group for one week.  

We are So Excited! 

Eestimaale saabusid Saksamaa nukud, Paul ja Lena!

31.01.2014 jõudsid meie juurde Lena ja Paul. Igas rühmas avati pakk uuesti ning räägiti, et pakk saadeti meie poole teele Prantsusmaalt. Siin tuli lastele meelde, et meie juures viibisid prantsuse nukud Youenn ja Enora, mäletati ka prantsuskeelseid viisakusväljendeid.
Lastele tutvustati, milline näeb välja üks postipakk. Saadi teada, mida on vaja kirjutada, et see õigesse kohta kohale jõuaks, ja et saadetis tuleb ka margistada.

Lenal ja Paulil on kaasas väärtus- VABADUS. Nad alustavad juba sellel nädalal oma ringkäiku meie lasteaia kõikides rühmades. Igas rühmas viibitakse üks nädal. 

Oleme väga põnevil!